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Key Polymer CrackFiller for Trailer Floor Repair
This video demonstrates the process for using Key Polymer CrackFiller to repair gouges, cracks, and holes in wooden trailer floors.
Training Video
- Title: How to Apply Key CrackFiller to Repair a Wood Trailer Floor
- Source: Key Polymer
- Run Time: 4:08

CrackFiller Instructions
Before You Start
- Store kit at over 65ºF – 75ºF for at least 24 hours before applying to floor.
- Be sure that the temperature during application and curing will be between 65ºF and 85ºF. Avoid applying in direct sunlight. TIP: In cold weather using a space heater prior to application of KEY CRACKFILLER will warm the wood and facilitate penetration; after application, the heat will speed up curing time.
- Replace weak or rotted boards and screw down loose ones. KEY CRACKFILLER is an ideal bond between the new boards and the surrounding floor.
- Close trailer door and walk through darkened trailer, locating and marking any daylight gaps.
- Locate and mark other damaged places on floor.
- Remove loose material from gouges & cracks in floor, preferably with a vacuum.
- If KEY FLOOR RESTORE will be applied immediately after KEY CRACKFILLER the entire trailer should be vacuumed. If the floor is oily or greasy, steam clean and allow the floor to dry.
- If using full container, add Part B to Part A. The Part A container is partially filled to allow room for mixing.
- If using only part of the container, mix equal amounts of Part A and Part B. Measure – don’t eyeball!
- Apply with a putty knife.
- Use within 30 minutes of mixing. If job will take over 30 minutes, mix several batches as needed.
- Clean tools and excess with paint thinner.
The trailer should be kept at or above 65ºF for at least 24 hours after application for proper cure. Avoid curing in direct sunlight on hot days.