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Changing Door Cables on a Whiting Two Spring Operator Balancer
From Whiting Door Manufacturing, this video demonstrates the process of changing door cables on a roll-up door with a Whiting two spring operator balancer.
Training Video
- Title: Whiting Door Premium Roll-Up Door – Cable Change
- Source: Whiting Door Manufacturing
- Run Time: 1:37
Door Cable Replacement Process
- Open door.
- Push door back into horizontal track so that bottom panel is approx. 16″ from header.
- Securely place a clamp in each track, just below the bottom roller. As a point of safety, make certain that clamps are tight on tracks.
- Determine what type of installation you have, either a standard or a shallow header. In a standard header the balancer is clearly visible. The header will measure at least 6″, whereas in a shallow header the balancer is somewhat concealed, rather difficult to work on and header measures approx. 5″.
- Using a 7/16″ box wrench, loosen two set screws in winding cone.
- Make sure spring assembly is free and can spin easily on shaft.
- Wind new cable onto cable drum. Make certain that the cable follows the grooves as it is possible to install them backwards! In a regular installation, cable comes off the bottom of drum. In shallow header, cable comes off the top of drum.
- Begin winding balancer by inserting bar into winding cone and pulling down for standard installation, or by pushing up in a shallow header.
- Start counting turns as soon as the cone rotates. 3 1/2 to 4 turns would be correct.
- After the correct turns have been applied, tighten both set screws securely.
- Carefully remove both clamps in the tracks.
- Lower door and test . A properly balanced door should not fly open, nor fall closed.