Trailer Repair Demonstration Videos
A collection of trailer repair and maintenance demonstration videos.
Videos are for demonstration purposes only. They are not a substitute for proper training and detailed reference to all applicable product documentation. Always ensure that manufacturer guidelines are followed and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations are met.

Trailer Roof Section Repair
In this video, Schneider Technicians demonstrate the process for performing a roof section repair on a Wabash dry van trailer.

How to Fix Frozen Air Brakes
In this video, a Schneider Driver Instructor explains how to fix and prevent frozen air brakes on semi-trucks and trailers.

Free Frozen Brakes on a Tractor Trailer
In this video, Jason from Veriha Trucking demonstrates the process for freeing frozen brakes on a tractor trailer.

Installing General Highway Service Semi Truck Tire Chains
This video demonstrates the process for installing general highway service snow chains with cams onto a drive tire of a semi truck.

Hard to Crank Landing Legs Due to Band Corrosion
This video demonstrates the process for repairing landing legs that are hard to crank due to corrosion build-up under the upper housing band.

Installing Heat Shrink Butt Connector with Snap-on TORCH300
While making repairs on this Tico Pro-Spotter the Technician used a Snap-on TORCH300 Butane Torch to install a Phillips Heat Shrink Butt Connector.

Corner Radius & Corner Cap Replacement on Dry Van Trailer
In this video, Mike and Max from Schneider demonstrate the process for replacing a corner radius and corner cap on a Stoughton Dry Van Trailer.

Dry Van Trailer Roof Installation
In this time lapse video, a Trailer Technician completes a full aluminum roof installation on a 2012 Kentucky dry van trailer.