Home » Trailer Industry » Trailer Industry News » 2024 Specialized Transportation Symposium (STS)

CENTREVILLE, VA. – (Trailer Technician) – Comprising one of the industry’s foremost transportation events of the year, the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association’s (SC&RA) 2024 Specialized Transportation Symposium (STS) will be held February 20-22, at the Westin Galleria in Houston.
Now in its 37th consecutive year, STS 2024 will bring together hundreds of heavy haul peers across the OS/OW spectrum and offer numerous opportunities to learn from respected experts sharing the latest ideas, products and solutions.
All in attendance can expect to network with top operations managers, safety directors, safety managers, pilot car professionals, permitting officials, law enforcement and state and federal officials from the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Freight Operations Subcommittee and related regional state transportation associations.
On one of many access fronts, SC&RA is excited to offer an exclusive opportunity of meeting one-on-one with more than 25 state permit officials. Attendees can schedule a one-on-one, 15-minute session with a state official in attendance. Those interested can sign up via SC&RA’s STS registration page on the website (below) – within the “Agenda” section.
STS also exposes attendees to a wealth of opportunities designed to give them the insight needed to position their companies for what’s ahead in safety, permitting and overall best practices. Additionally, the event serves as a meeting place for SC&RA’s Pilot Car Task Force and Permit Policy Committee.
“Whether you’re an owner operator, safety leader, permitting expert, or all the above, there’s literally something for everyone at this year’s event,” said Chris Smith, SC&RA Vice President, Transportation. “The 2024 Specialized Transportation Symposium offers a host of options designed to engage, inform, educate, and inspire. So many people leave STS each year having transformed their specialized transportation business’s short-term challenges into long-term success.”
Symposium-goers will get a chance to interface with many of the hundreds in attendance during an assortment of educational sessions, committee meetings, scheduled networking breaks and evening receptions. Moreover, newcomers will benefit from the ever-growing First-Timers’ briefing.
On the education side, eight breakout sessions cover topics as wide ranging as “Software as a Solution for OS/OW Carriers”; “Cost Pressures Facing the OS/OW Industry”; Communication Tips and Tricks to Market your OS/OW Business”; “Freight Planning Considerations for OS/OW Commodities”; and many more.
The session “Harmonization: Policy Beyond the Permit” spotlights the fact that different permitting rules and indirect routes are costly enough – and asks the question: what happens when external legal and regulatory policy factors in states impact your business’s operational success?
During “Filing Your Claims On-Time: What You Need to Know,” audience members will receive top-notch advice from SC&RA Endorsed Market Providers on why it’s critical to get your claims in on time, and how your claims data and process position you for the best safety record possible.
And as Symposium-goers have come to expect, attendees will have full access to the highly anticipated Exhibit Center, boasting nearly 50 booths, as well as the Hauling Jobs of the Year presentations, which highlight projects that exemplify best safety practices, ingenuity, and specialized engineering.
Registration for STS 2024 is now open. To see a full list of topics and speakers, or to register, visit www.scranet.org/symposium2024.
About SC&RA
The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is an international trade association of more than 1,350 members from 46 nations. Members are involved in crane and rigging operations, specialized transportation, machinery moving and erecting, industrial maintenance, millwrighting, concrete pumping, manufacturing, and rental. SC&RA helps members run more efficient and safer businesses by monitoring and affecting pending legislation and regulatory policies at the state and national levels and researching and reporting on safety concerns and best business practices.