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For Immediate Release: HD Repair Forum to Showcase OEM and Insurer Industry Involvement
March 30, 2023, Katy, Texas – (Trailer Technician) – HD Repair Forum (HDRF) is in its 6th year and the level of engagement from OEM’s and insurers continues to grow. Previous conferences have highlighted information on new vehicle technology, repair resources, and parts information from several OEMs including PACCAR, Daimler, Ford Motor Company, Rivian, Great Dane, Volvo Group North America, and others.
“As the industry and technology continues to evolve, engaging with the OEM’s and insurers has never been more critical, ” stated Brian Nessen, HD Repair Forum President.
Isuzu, MCI, Navistar and Prevost will take this stage this year to present during the 2023 general sessions on Tuesday, April 18th and Wednesday, April 19th in Fort Worth, Texas. “Their participation is a continuation of the support the event has received the past few years from the manufacturers.” Nessen continued. Speakers from our OEM supporters will provide insight on the latest in technology for newer model vehicles, where to find repair information for those vehicles, updates on the parts supply chain, and more.
The HD Repair Forum is a platform for all industry stakeholders to discuss common challenges and identify solutions, and that includes involvement from the industry’s insurance partners. “We have had a number of insurance and independent appraiser companies involved with the HD Repair Forum over the years.” Nessen emphasized. “Without their input, we would be missing a big piece of the puzzle.”
This year’s insurance panel will feature representatives from National General, an Allstate Company, Great American Insurance Group, and Federated Insurance and will focus on challenges experienced by both repairers and insurers with the goal of identifying potential solutions, including audience participation and Q & A.
Registration for the event is still open, and the opportunity to save on registration rates is still available. To access registration and gather more information go to hdrepairforum.com/event-registration/
Those with questions or interest in getting more involved in the industry’s only collision-focused event may reach out to Jennie Lepore [email protected] or Brian Nessen [email protected].
About HD Repair Group
HD Repair Group offers a dedicated source of focused-information for those involved in collision repair work of heavy-duty, medium-duty, commercial, and non-commercial vehicles in classes 4 – 8. This community is where industry stakeholders such as shop owners, company executives, managers, technicians, estimators, and others can network with industry peers and find the latest news, tips, trends, and best practices in the heavy- and medium-duty collision repair marketplace. The HD Repair Group serves this industry in numerous ways including hosting conferences, distributing a monthly e-newsletter, hosting webinars, videos, social channels, and more.
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