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Cargo Transporters, Inc.’s Dennis Dellinger named 2020-21 Chairman of the Truckload Carriers Association
Kissimmee, Florida: (Trailer Technician) – The Truckload Carriers Association’s 2020-21 chairman will be Cargo Transporters, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Dennis Dellinger. He gave his acceptance speech during Tuesday morning’s general session of Truckload 2020: Orlando at the Gaylord Palms Resort.
Dellinger, although born in Cape Fear, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and currently residing in Hickory, North Carolina with his wife Sherel, he’s also spent years in Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Hood, Texas; Hanau, Germany; and Crailsheim, Germany as his dad served in the Army and Navy.
Dellinger started with the company in 1986, first as a driver supervisor, continuing through the years to fill a number of positions. His in-depth knowledge and viewpoints of fleet management and the industry are recognized and respected.
In addition to Dellinger’s responsibilities at the company, he also is a leader in several industry organizations. He currently serves as First Vice Chair on the Board of Directors at TCA as well as Board of Directors and is a Past Chairman of the North Carolina Trucking Association. Other commitments include serving on the Board of Directors and Vice Chair of the Safety Policy Committee at American Trucking Associations and an advisory position at The Trucking Alliance.
Dellinger also enjoys spending time with his family and two adorable grandchildren, as well as reading, and cheering on the Carolina Panthers NFL team.
Cargo Transporters, Inc., founded in 1982, is a trucking operation with common and contract authority based in Claremont, North Carolina. The company specializes in truckload, dry van freight with an emphasis on long-term contracts with partner shippers. In addition, the company services those customers who require time definite or JIT service. The company operates a fleet of more than 520 tractors and 1,785 trailers, utilizing some of the most advanced communication and safety systems.
The following individuals will assist Dellinger as TCA’s officers:
- Immediate Past Chair: Josh Kaburick, CEO, Earl L. Henderson Trucking Company, Inc., Caseyville, Illinois
- First Vice Chair: Jim Ward, President and CEO, D.M. Bowman, Inc., Williamsport, Maryland
- Second Vice Chair: John Elliott, CEO, Load One, LLC, Taylor, Michigan
- Treasurer: Pete Hill, Vice President, Hill Brothers Transportation, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska
- Secretary: David Williams, Executive Vice President, Knight Transportation, Phoenix, Arizona
- Association Vice President to ATA: John Culp, Executive Vice President of Finance, Maverick USA, Little Rock, Arkansas
- At-Large Officer: Joey Hogan, President, Covenant Transport, Chattanooga, Tennessee
- At-Large Officer: Karen Smerchek, President, Veriha Trucking, Inc., Marinette, Wisconsin
- At-Large Officer: Ed Nagle, President, Nagle Toledo, Inc, of Walbridge, Ohio
- At-Large Officer: Jon Coca, President, Diamond Transportation System, Inc., of Racine, Wisconsin