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E-Pak Manufacturing Receives Investment From Advantage Capital to Fund New Growth Opportunities
WOOSTER, Ohio – (Trailer Technician) – E-Pak Manufacturing, a leader in the steel roll-off container and trailer industry, announced today that the company has closed on a preferred equity investment by Advantage Capital. This new funding allows E-Pak to continue to expand its product lines and grow jobs in rural northeastern Ohio.
“Throughout our three decades in business, E-Pak has developed long-standing relationships that value our quality, service and performance,” said Bryan Mullet, president and CEO of E-Pak. “This investment brings not only critical funding but also the experience and resources that will facilitate our continued growth here in Wooster.”
With a strong focus on product development to meet the needs of both new and existing customers, E-Pak is expanding its manufacturing capabilities and building out a third shift to support new growth opportunities. E-Pak expects to hire another 20 employees in the near term, with 40 additional hires anticipated over the next several years.
“Manufacturing is a vitally important part of Ohio’s economy. I am delighted that E-Pak is poised to grow, adding 20-40 new jobs here in Wayne County,” said Senator Kristina Roegner, R-Hudson.
The company has operated in the Wooster area for more than 30 years, contributing towards the region’s strong economic and employment base in manufacturing. With more than 140 current employees, E-Pak’s average tenure is strong and climbing. Most of its positions are accessible without extensive schooling or training required. E-Pak also offers weld training for those without previous welding experience who are ready to enter a new, growing field.
“Our people are what makes a difference here,” said Mullet. “With the hard work and determination of our employees, plus the additional resources and funding this investment brings, E-Pak is positioned well to execute and build on the foundation that has been put into place.”
Advantage Capital’s investment was facilitated through the Ohio Rural Business Growth program, a state economic development incentive program that helps to bring investment capital to communities like Wooster in order to promote business growth and jobs.
Chris Harris of Advantage Capital said, “We are pleased to continue our partnership with E-Pak, a company that has been a significant part of this community for years. Companies like E-Pak are the types of businesses we look to invest in: those with strong prospects for growth that are poised to generate high-quality jobs, help drive local economic growth, and make lasting positive impact in their communities.”
About E-Pak Manufacturing
E-Pak began as a custom metal fabrication shop and has evolved into a leading manufacturer of steel roll-off containers, trailers and hoppers, focused primarily on the scrap, waste, environmental and transportation industries. For more than 30 years, E-Pak has operated out of the Wooster, Ohio area. Today, with over 80,000 square feet of manufacturing space, the company continues to operate on the same core values as it was founded and provides solutions to meet the changing needs of its customer base. Learn more at www.epakmanufacturing.com.
About Advantage Capital
Advantage Capital provides financing to established and emerging companies located in communities underserved by conventional sources of capital. Since 1992, the firm has invested more than $3.1 billion in companies from a diverse array of industry sectors and has helped support more than 50,000 jobs. Learn more at www.advantagecap.com, or via Twitter or LinkedIn.